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25 Years of Conservation

Once upon a time (well, more like 1999), a group of conservation minded people with a love of the land decided to start our organization in response to the pressures of development and land fragmentation across the U.P. Initially known as the Central Upper Peninsula Conservancy, we operated as a volunteer-based entity without any formal staff or office space. Fast forward to this summer, and we are proud to announce a team of six dedicated staff members serving nearly every county in the U.P.

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Throughout the years, our organization has undergone numerous changes - from our physical address to the composition of our board and staff. However, amidst these transformations, our unwavering promise and commitment to conservation have remained steadfast, grounded in the principle of "forever." Through our ongoing Accreditation compliance and implementation of enhanced conservation practices, we are ensuring our longevity well beyond the next 25 years. From our early focus on riparian conservation easements to our involvement in monitoring piping plover nests, as well as engaging in sustainable forestry initiatives and fostering inclusive natural areas for our community, our mission has attracted individuals with diverse interests and passions. Thank you for being a part of this journey together in conservation!

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